Thursday, September 10, 2009

Beard Hat

It's been a VERY long time since I posted on here, but it's time that I started again. It must be. My wife said so.

Since I last posted, things have changed quite a bit. Our little girl is getting bigger and bigger. Beth (my wife) is juggling school and a fabulous new job, and I'm about to start full time as a tattoo artist. When I last posted, we were living downtown Toronto, and I was taking the subway to work every day. I like knitting on the subway. It's relaxing, I have nothing else to do, and it doesn't make me feel sick.

Then we moved to North York for a bit. I had to take the bus to work from that house. I don't like knitting on the bus, because it DOES make me feel sick. So I pretty much stopped knitting.

Now, we've moved again, and I'm back on the subway. So I've picked up my needles again.

Something else has made me take up my favourite hobby again. There has been renewed interest in a project I worked on about a year ago.
A friend of mine had seen a picture online of a beard hat. He wondered if I could make something like that. I searched the internet for some ideas, and found a pattern that someone had made.
I adapted the pattern for my own purposes, and knit this little beauty up.

I've had a lot of requests for these, but I've not been in a position recently to do anything about it. But now I am.

The only thing is, I never saved my version of the pattern. And I remember that I changed it significantly. Ah well, back to the drawing board, I guess. I'll let you know how I get on. And then I'll save the pattern and post it here.