Wednesday, September 22, 2010

True Glove

I made these fingerless mitts last year. Originally, I'd planned to make another pair of Dashing, to replace the ones I lost. But when I finished the first, this idea struck me. The ribbing on the mitts really lends itself to the lettering. And of course, you can make them say anything you want.

Beth's cousin saw this picture the other day, and asked me to knit her a pair. I decided to make hers using the Fetching pattern, although I'm dropping the picot bind off, because I don't think it really works with the rest of the piece. She's asked for them in black, which should make them look really hardcore. I'll post pictures when I'm done.

Also, the first of the Knit it Up nights went down really well. We met together at the start of September, and had a great time hanging out, knitting (and crocheting), talking, and eating scones. We taught a couple of people to knit too! Keep your ears open for more info on the next one...